centro cultural tina modotti Soeki Irodikromo (Suriname)
Soeki Irodikromo (20 giugno 1945-18 agosto 2020) è stato un pittore e ceramista del Suriname.
È nato a Plantage Pieterszorg, nel distretto di Commewijne.
Insieme a Erwin de Vries, Ruben Karsters, Rudi de la Fuente e Paul Woei, è stato uno dei numerosi artisti surinamesi emersi negli anni ’60.
Stilisticamente, il suo lavoro deve molto al movimento COBRA e utilizza temi della mitologia giavanese.
Soeki Irodikromo (20 de junio de 1945-18 de agosto de 2020) fue un pintor y ceramista de Surinam.
Nació en Plantage Pieterszorg, en el distrito de Commewijne.
Junto con Erwin de Vries, Ruben Karsters, Rudi de la Fuente y Paul Woei, fue uno de los varios artistas surinameses que surgieron en la década de 1960.
Estilísticamente, su trabajo le debe mucho al movimiento COBRA y utiliza temas de la mitología javanesa.
opera: Soeki Irodikromo, Three Women, 1992 – Collection Centrale Bank van Suriname
Soeki got his first art lessons as a pupil of the Cultureel Centrum Suriname (CCS).
He was a student of the Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, between 1967 and 1972. At first he concentrated on painting and graphic arts, and later on he added ceramics to his scope of activities. Soeki has been a self employed creative artist in Suriname since 1972. In 1979 he studied the art of batik at the Academy of Seni Rupa Indonesia (ASRI) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
After his return to Surinam he organized batik workshops in Paramaribo, Moengo and Nieuw-Nickerie. He also teached painting and ceramics Soeki was one of the core members of the Waka Tjopu art collective.
opera: Soeki Irodikromo (Suriname)