centro cultural tina modotti Francesca Sacco
Forbici, colla, un foglio di carta bianco che si riempie di frammenti e prende vita, pezzo dopo pezzo, ritaglio dopo ritaglio, per restituire luoghi reali o fantastici, scorci di città visitate o sognate, paesaggi immaginari. Sono i collages emozionali e poetici di Francesca Sacco, giovane “collage artist” che taglia, strappa e incolla, compone, scompone e ricompone brandelli di strade, palazzi, echi di vita vissuta, reinterpretando architetture e fisionomie urbane note e meno note. (Anna Nosari)
“La fotografia si mischia alla carta delle lettere inviate, mai inviate o perse, ai giornali invecchiati, ai numeri casuali di un telefono, agli appunti lasciati ai bordi di qualche pagina. Nei miei lavori non c’è solo la mia mano ma anche quella di chi ha fermato il tempo, scattando quella foto o scrivendo quel numero su quel foglio.”
opera: Francesca Sacco, Napoli
Francesca Sacco was born in Genoa in 1984, since she was a child she expressed her creativity through drawing using the paper blocks for continuous modul that the father typographer brought home.
Sheets in succession that tell stories of mermaids, castles, fantastic animals, secret paths under the trees, all developed horizontally like a film.
It is no coincidence that after finishing high school Francesca approaches the Cinema, combining her passion for storytelling with that of photography, she graduates in Photography Management where staging no longer takes place on sequential sheets of paper but in front of the camera.
However, the need to express oneself through images remains incomplete and this is how collage arrives.
The desire to recompose, to put back in place what had previously separated, the excruciating force of keeping together not only personal, not only internal, life stories, but to put your ear on the external world and to put the stories on the same set of the human daily.
Thus was born his work, from the democratic idea of combining different elements willing to coexist in the symbolic space of the painting … keep on reading
opera: Francesca Sacco, Napoli