centro cultural tina modotti Brian Sánchez Jiménez
Brian Sánchez Jiménez (Santiago de Cuba, 1987) es graduado de la Escuela de Instructores de Arte de Santiago de Cuba, donde se licenció en la especialidad de Artes Plásticas.
Su pintura, con una gran fuerza en la figura humana, donde prevalece la femenina, nos la presenta desde su pensamiento, o sea, nos da la oportunidad de analizar desde el conjunto de sus lienzos esa pasión que siente a la hora de plasmar sus imágenes con la manera tan personal que tiene en el manejo de su lenguaje y estética propios, muy contemporáneos, que pueden llevarnos a recodar a artistas como Pedro Pablo Oliva, Gustav Klimt y Marc Chagall. Pero siempre vamos a reconocer su impronta, la cual se hace muy evidente en la forma de utilizar una serie de elementos que lo identifican rápidamente, donde establece planos de gran riqueza cromática, reforzadas por una carga de texturas matéricas y símbolos reconocibles, los cuales dan ese sello tan personal en todos y cada uno de sus cuadros, ya sean en pequeño o gran formato.
I was born in Santiago, Cuba on August 21, 1986.
When I was younger, I had an illness called Perthes’ disease that affected my femur and prevented me from walking for five years. Because of this disability, I spent time looking at my father’s books on the universe, zoology and botany. Even though I didn’t know how to read, every day, I would try to draw the figures in each illustration. And that’s how it all began.
I still have the notebooks with those drawings, from when I was 6-7 years old. One day, thank God, my disease went away. But art was still in me. And since that day, I have only wanted to be an artist. I write this little story because I believe it is the foundation for understanding my works and for understanding me as an artist. Later, I studied at Santiago de Cuba, the provincial school of art from which I eventually graduated. Since then, I have participated in more than twenty expositions, as well as eight art shows where I have won several awards. Now, I live in Habana and am trying to find new opportunities to share my art with the rest of the world … keep on reading
obra: Brian Sánchez Jiménez, Mi Madre un Minuto Después de la Lluvia