centro cultural tina modotti caracas Oscar Ortiz Boriken
Oscar Ortiz was born in Manhattan, New York, USA in 1964.
When he was five years old, his family moved to Puerto Rico. Even at that young age, art was an important part of his life. He remembers running through the rain to the local convenience store to buy drawing paper—actually big sheets of wrapping paper from the meat counter—for one cent each. Little Oscar would return home drenched, but joyful, to sketch super hero cartoons on the few dry sheets.
As a youngster, he was often asked by his teachers to get involved in art projects for his school. He would spend many hours creating illustrations which would then be used as teaching aids in the classroom. The pure joy of creating and making other people happy through his drawings and paintings was very satisfying. He had a real gift. But his creativity went dormant for almost 30 years.
He started painting and selling his pieces back in 2002.
Oscar Ortiz, Boriken, 2011 – a creative rendering of the primitive inhabitants of the island of Puerto Rico
Il Centro Cultural Tina Modotti è oggi una delle realtà più interessanti, in Sud America, fra le tante che si occupano di cultura e che, soprattutto, hanno un riferimento più o meno diretto con l’Italia. Il Centro nasce su iniziativa di Antonio Nazzaro, poliedrica figura di intellettuale, da quasi vent’anni trasferitosi nei paesi del Sud America e dell’America Centrale, dove, fra Messico e Venezuela, ha dato vita a numerosissime iniziative diventando un punto di riferimento per chi ama la poesia.
pittura portorico puerto rico cctm latino america