collettivo culturale tuttomondo Oscar Niemeyer
Oscar Niemeyer (Rio de Janeiro, 1907 – Rio de Janeiro, 2012) è stato un architetto brasiliano.
È stato uno dei più noti e importanti architetti a livello internazionale del XX secolo. Tra i pionieri nell’esplorazione delle possibilità costruttive ed espressive del cemento armato, collaborò per diversi anni con Le Corbusier.
I suoi edifici riflettono l’uso di forme dinamiche e curve così sensuali che molti ammiratori hanno visto in lui uno scultore di monumenti più che un architetto… continua a leggere su Wikipedia
Oscar Niemeyer (15 December 1907 – 5 December 2012), was a Brazilian architect considered to be one of the key figures in the development of modern architecture.
Niemeyer was best known for his design of civic buildings for Brasília, a planned city that became Brazil’s capital in 1960, as well as his collaboration with other architects on the headquarters of the United Nations in New York. His exploration of the aesthetic possibilities of reinforced concrete was highly influential in the late 20th and early 21st centuries … keep on reading Wikipedia
foto: Oscar Niemeyer, Chaise longue Rio, 1978
The Rio Chaise Longue chair is an example of Oscar Niemeyer’s fascination with curves. This Brazilian architect is one of the most prolific of his generation. His buildings exceptionally and delicately bring sculpture and architecture together and create something unique.
Niemeyer, a great admirer of curved and abstract shapes, materializes these preferences in the Rio Chaise Longue. Having been born in the city of Rio de Janeiro, he was inspired by its exuberant nature. He adopted the name of the chair from Rio, and developed it in collaboration with his daughter Anna Maria Niemeyer.
architetti brasile cctm