centro cultural tina modotti Cleo Wade
Ámate lo suficiente en tu vida como para permitirte involucrarte solo en situaciones en las que haya amor y cuidado para ti.
Ámate lo suficiente como para salirte de las situaciones que te dañan de algun modo.
Ámate lo suficiente como para hacer resppnsable de sus palabras a las personas que te hacen daño.
Ámate lo suficiente como para expresar tus deseos y tus necesidades.
Ámate lo suficiente para expresar tus necesidades y tus deseos.
Ámate lo suficiente para decir la verdad.
Ámate lo suficiente para mantenerte segura.
Ámate lo suficiente para decir ya fue suficiente cuando ya haya sido suficiente.
Cleo Wade
da Heart Talk. Il cuore parla, TRE60, 2019 – Heart Talk: El corazón habla, Urano, 2018
Cleo Wade (born September 13, 1989) is an American artist, poet, activist, and author.
Wade’s poetry centers around inspiration, affirmations, activism, and female empowerment. After over 1,500 Instagram posts and 500,000 followers later, Wade’s work and activism have been widely shared and praised.
In January 2018, The New York Times published a poem of hers in its opinion section entitled “How Are You Showing Up This Year”, urging Americans to increase their political engagement, while Teen Vogue published her piece entitled “If I Could Write One Million Love Poems (A Love Letter To Trans Kids)” as a response to actions from the Trump administration.
Wade has been published in W magazine on several occasions, including “Who Are We Right Now”, a poem dedicated to many famous women whom she admires, “An Open Letter to My Dearest America”, a poem responding to the 2016 election, and “How I Became Woke to Politics”, an article she wrote about her relationship to politics. (Wikipedia)
Amati quanto basta … Ámate lo suficiente … Cleo Wade
One of Gucci Voices of Self-Expression, artist and poet Cleo Wade recently created a series of artworks to highlight the efforts of CHIME FOR CHANGE—the global campaign founded by Gucci to convene, unite and strengthen initiatives for girls and women around the world.