collettivo culturale tuttomondo Agó Páez Vilaró
Agó Páez Vilaró è un’artista plastica uruguaiana, nata a Montevideo il 10 dicembre 1954, e formatasi fin dall’infanzia nella bottega del padre, il pittore Carlos Páez Vilaró, con sede a Casapueblo, Maldonado.
Il suo lavoro si concentra sui mandala e sulla filosofia sottostante.
Agó Páez Vilaró es una artista plástica uruguaya, nacida en Montevideo el 10 de diciembre de 1954, y formada desde su infancia en el taller de su padre, el pintor Carlos Páez Vilaró, ubicado en Casapueblo, Maldonado.
Su obra se centra en los mándalas y la filosofía que los fundamenta… siga leyendo Wikipedia
obra de Agó Páez_Vilaró
L’arte è come un seme, che vive in noi, pronto a germogliare.
Agó Páez Vilaró
Agó Páez (born 10 December 1954) is a Uruguayan plastic artist. Her work focuses on mandalas and the philosophy that supports them.
In 1976, Páez received her first drawing orientation from maestro Vicente Martín. The following year she studied painting in Buenos Aires, in the workshop of Miguel Dávila.
In 1989 she began her studies in the workshop of Clever Lara, and in 1992 she began to study drawing with Professor Guillermo Fernández and Martín Rodríguez. She took a color course in the workshop of Guillermo Bush in 1994, studied fine arts in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, ceramics with Jaime Nowinsky in 1986, wood carving with Javier Nievas, and theater at the Theater Studies Center (CET) in 1991 where she decorated stages. (Wikipedia)