collettivo culturale tuttomondo Ugo Riva (Italia)
opera: Ugo Riva
Ugo Riva (Bergamo, 9 agosto 1951) è uno scultore italiano.
Interessato prima alla pittura, mentre lavora in Banca, scopre la scultura. Si licenzia e diventa scultore. Non si è mai pentito. Artista di successo che ama sperimentare, le sue sculture più recenti sono bellissime terracotte invetriate e lievemente colorate, interamente create a mano.
Ma a Ugo Riva piace soprattutto stare in fonderia, lavorare il bronzo.
Il suo atto creativo non si esaurisce nel modellare un’idea, affidando poi il bozzetto ad altri.
La fonderia è il suo studio, il luogo dove può sperimentare. La particolare patina dei suoi bronzi, ottenuta con pigmenti fissati a caldo, rende le sue sculture uniche, l’effetto cromatico oscilla, nuovamente, tra la terracotta e il legno.
Le figure senza tempo, solenni e imperturbabili, ricordano divinità etrusche e romane e stupiscono per la loro moderna classicità.
Ugo Riva (1951) is an italian sculptor.
His first love in art was painting, while he was still working as a bank employee. When this passion overwhelmed him, he quit and started following his true dream, becoming a sculptor. He has now become a succesfull and well-known artist who loves to experiment and continuously uses new techniques. His most recent creations are the glazed terracottas, lightly coloured.
But mostly Ugo Riva likes to work in the foundry, with bronze, his favourite material to create art.
His creative act never dies in simply producing a model, but he also casts his sculptures, following the process entirely.
The foundry is the workshop in which he spends the day, working and experimenting. His unique patina treatment given to his bronzes is obtained with pigments, the same used in the frescos, fixed on the surface at very high temperatures. The final cromatic effect swings from wood to terracotta.
The protagonists are timeless figures, solemn and imperturbable gods, reminding us of those roman or etruscan divinities, yet incredibly modern in their classical style.
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