cctm collettivo culturale tuttomondo Emilio Pucci 1965
Il marchese Emilio Pucci di Basento (Napoli,1914 – Firenze, 1992) è stato un aviatore, stilista e politico italiano.
Emilio Pucci fu un pioniere del made in Italy , partecipando per esempio alla prima sfilata di moda tenutasi in Italia, che fu organizzata per il 12 febbraio 1951 da Giovanni Battista Giorgini a Firenze. Tra i suoi primi successi vanno ricordati la linea di vestiti di seta stampata senza pieghe. Molto popolare negli Stati Uniti, disegnò le divise per le hostess, i piloti e il personale della compagnia Braniff International Airways tra il 1965 e il 1974, colorate e assolutamente innovative rispetto al panorama di allora … continua a leggere su Wikipedia
foto: Emilio Pucci, Abito in seta con cappuccio, 1965 – modella: Veruschka
Emilio Pucci was an Italian fashion designer who is best known for his bold, colorful prints and luxurious fabrics.
He was born in Florence, Italy, in 1914, into a wealthy family. Pucci studied political science at the University of Florence, but he was more interested in art and design. After graduating from university, he worked as a ski instructor in the Italian Alps.
In 1947, Pucci opened his first fashion boutique in Florence. His designs were immediately popular for their vibrant colors and geometric patterns. Pucci’s designs were often inspired by his travels to the Far East and Africa. He was also known for his innovative use of fabrics, such as silk jersey and organza.
Pucci’s designs were worn by celebrities and socialites all over the world. He became one of the most successful fashion designers of the 20th century. Pucci died in Florence in 1992, but his legacy lives on. His designs are still popular today and are considered to be classics of Italian fashion.
cctm collettivo culturale tuttomondo Emilio Pucci 1965