cctm collettivo culturale tuttomondo Gino Boccasile (Italia)
Gino Boccasile (14 July 1901 – 10 May 1952) was an Italian illustrator.
Born in Bari, Boccasile was the son of a perfumer. Early in his youth he lost his left eye by having it struck by a splash of quicklime while he was drinking from a fountain. Nonetheless, he showed a precocious aptitude for design and completed studies at the fine art school of his home town.
After the death of his father in 1925, he moved to Milan. Despite some initial difficulties, he eventually gained a post at the Mauzan-Morzenti Agency. Over the next few years he produced posters, illustrated fashion magazines and gained fame for his sensuous renderings of the female form.
Following the lead of fellow poster artist Achille Mauzan, Boccasile went to Buenos Aires, where he met his future spouse Alma Corsi. In 1932 he moved to Paris, where an issue of “Paris Tabou” was dedicated to his work.
He also participated in the Salon des Indépendants, that same year.
Shortly after returning to Milan, he opened a publicity agency called ACTA, in Galleria del Corso, with his friend Franco Aloi. He illustrated for the Italian periodicals “La Donna” (1932), “Dea” and “La Lettura” (1934), “Bertoldo” (1936), “Il Milione” (1938), “L’Illustrazione del Medico” (1939), “Ecco”, “Settebello” and “Il Dramma” (1939) and designed many book covers for publishers Mondadori and Rizzoli’ … keep on reading Wikipedia
immagine: Gino Boccasile, Paglieri, 1950
Il capolavoro indiscusso della lunga carriera del cartellonista barese. Uscito nel 1946 con la figura femminile seminuda ne fu imposta la reimpressione “censurata” con velo.
Una parabola, quella di Gino Boccasile, iniziata a Bari nel 1901 e conclusasi a Milano nel 1952 con poche tappe essenziali: l’infanzia segnata dalla tragedia della perdita di un occhio, gli studi presso la locale scuola d’Arti e Mestieri, il precoce talento creativo e il trasferimento a Milano nel 1925. Nel capoluogo meneghino Boccasile viene assunto presso lo studio grafico Mauzan-Morzenti, nel quale si dedica alla realizzazione di manifesti legati al mondo della moda femminile, che lo rendono subito famoso.
immagine: Gino Boccasile, Paglieri, 1950