centro cultural tina modotti caracas Domenico Bossi fu un miniaturista italiano.
Domenico Bossi (Trieste, 1767 – Monaco di Baviera, 1853) fu un miniaturista italiano.
Fu uno dei maggiori miniaturisti-ritrattisti del neoclassicismo. Le sue opere fanno parte della tradizione del miniaturismo veneziano su avorio. Esse rappresentano il rispettivo modello di un realismo, per quei tempi inusuale e privo di compromessi … continua a leggere su Wikipedia
Domenico_Bossi (Trieste 1767 – Munich 1853) was an Italian painter.
Bossi, a student of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, was born in Trieste and worked primarily as a miniaturist in Germany, Austria, Sweden and Russia before he settled down in Munich, where he lived at Theresien Straße 19 in Munich around 1850 … keep on reading Wikipedia
opera: Domenico_Bossi, Maria Naryschkina, 1808, Museo dell’ Ermitage, San Pietroburgo
Maria Antonovna Naryshkina (1779–1854), born Princess Maria Czetwertyńska-Światopełk, was a Polish noblewoman who was the mistress of Tsar Alexander I of Russia for 13 years.
She was the daughter of the Polish prince Antoni Stanisław Czetwertyński-Światopełk and his wife, Tekla. In 1795, she married Dmitry Lvovich Naryshkin, a hofmeister. In 1799, with her spouse’s approval, she entered into a relationship with Alexander, who became tsar in 1801. She was well liked by Alexander’s family, except by his consort, the empress Elizabeth Alexeyevna.
She is described as fascinating and charming, with the ability to attract people, and called “The Aspasia of the North”. In 1803, she made an attempt to have Alexander divorce his spouse and marry her, but she failed. She accompanied the tsar to the Vienna Congress in 1815, which gave him bad publicity. (Wikipedia)
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